Recovery Resources

What is the basic concept of a 12 step program?

A 12-step program is a peer-based mutual help program for alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictive and dysfunctional behaviors. The steps are guiding principles that outline how to overcome addiction, avoid triggers and live a healthy, productive life.

What is the recovery rate for addiction? Roughly 75% of all people that seek addiction treatment are successful.

Recovery - 12 Step Programs in Rockford, IL

Alano Club of Rockford - The Alano Club of Rockford offers many recovery 12 step meetings.

How to find meetings?
AA meetings are the easiest to find and most well-known but there are many 12-step programs to choose from. We host an EA Meeting here at RSIR in our barn. We have put together some resources to help you find a meeting that makes sense to you. AA Meetings AA Meetings