Recovery Resources
What is the basic concept of a 12 step program?
A 12-step program is a peer-based mutual help program for alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictive and dysfunctional behaviors. The steps are guiding principles that outline how to overcome addiction, avoid triggers and live a healthy, productive life.
What is the recovery rate for addiction? Roughly 75% of all people that seek addiction treatment are successful.
Recovery - 12 Step Programs in Rockford, IL
Alano Club of Rockford - The Alano Club of Rockford offers many recovery 12 step meetings.
How to find meetings?
AA meetings are the easiest to find and most well-known but there are many 12-step programs to choose from. We host an EA Meeting here at RSIR in our barn. We have put together some resources to help you find a meeting that makes sense to you. AA Meetings AA Meetings
Al-Anon/Alateen (for friends and families of alcoholics)
Cocaine Anonymous (CA)
Clutterers Anonymous (CLA)
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA)
Co-Anon (for friends and family of addicts)
CoDA –Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) – for people working to end patterns of dysfunctional relationships and develop functional and healthy relationships
COSA (an auxiliary group of Sex Addicts Anonymous)
COSLAA –CoSex and Love Addicts Anonymous
DA –Debtors Anonymous (DA)
EA –Emotions Anonymous (EA) for recovery from mental and emotional illness
Families Anonymous (for relatives and friends of addicts)
Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA)
Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
Gam-Anon/Gam-A-Teen (for friends and family members of problem gamblers)
Heroin Anonymous (HA)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Nar-Anon (for friends and family members of addicts)
Nicotine Anonymous (NicA)
Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
Online Gamers Anonymous (OLGA)
Pills Anonymous (for recovery from prescription pill addiction)
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)